Pan Face Signs for Large Lighted Faces
The pan face sign is making a comeback. What was once a major marketing tool for manufacturers in the retail setting is now experiencing a renaissance in popularity. And why not? These products combine artistic expression with branding messages and outstanding durability. When you want to stand out from the competition, give pan face signs another look.
Shape and Material Options
The typical pan face sign comes in a rectangular or square shape with radius or 90-degree corners. Material choices most commonly include acrylic and polycarbonate.
Flat or Embossed
Embossed Pan Face Sign (Note Letters Stick out from face)
A flat pan face (not embossed) is perfect for use in any lightbox. With either a back-painted face or a 4-Color digitally imprinted vinyl face, we can create the most intricate designs and color combinations for your message. An embossed painted face creates a double three-dimensional effect that is attractive and eye-catching - note the letters in MembersFirst Credit Union and Daniel Ahart Tax Service above. Mixing and matching this approach is also possible. When you use geometric shapes or landscapes, the use of a mix of embossed portions and flat displays creates an intriguing look that will have your customers stepping closer.
Pan Face Business Sign with Flat Face
Where Can You Use This Signage?
There is a broad range of exterior as well as interior uses for pan face signs.
Customized light box displays. For your light box setup, the embossed pan face creates a 3D look that lasts for a long time.
Monument signs. Replace the flat surface of a monument with an embossed pan face product. Just like with a box cabinet, the monument display thrives on the level of definition that the embossing brings to the table.
Reader boards. Add the necessary tracks, put your lettering on and you have a reader board that is ready to be mounted to a façade.
Wayfinding. On the interior, the product does well for wayfinding functions. This would include pointing in the direction of a department or toward the exits, elevators or stairs. Use it as a stand-alone wall sign or combine it with a slim interior box cabinet for lit displays.
Marketing and branding. Retailers love this technology to show off creative displays above meat, vegetable and dairy coolers and counters. Adding the 3D effect enhances the appearance of the signage.
When you are ready to add this attractive yet budget-friendly signage solution to your marketing and branding product lineup, contact the professionals at Signs & More for assistance. We serve the business communities in and around Marietta, Atlanta, Kennesaw, Acworth, Rome, Calhoun and Cartersville. Contact us today at or 770-383-8808 to get started!